Tuesday, December 20, 2005

This is What it Has Come To

Three Happy Holidays (or Merry Christmas) stories from the Republicans:

The Village in Pass Christian

ANWR Meets Katrina

The Republican Revolution is Back

If you can't sort the message you need to take from these stories about what type of government we have and what really matters in America despite all our self-praising hype, you've drunk too much of the "America is the Greatest" Koolaid.

As if the national shame we should all feel knowing our President has broken the law by authorizing warrantless spying on Americans wasn't enough, now we have people living in semi-permanent *tents* and help for Katrina's still-suffering victims being linked to a pork barrel project drilling for oil up in Alaska. Months after Katrina came and went and took a lot of the Gulf Coast and people's lives with her.

Are these new "efficiency" homes what the farmers on whose backs the budget is partially being balanced have to look forward to in the new year? How about the sick, who will be SOL when they can't make their Medicaid co-pays? Will the tents be set up in Alaska, since that's where the money seems to be worth spending? Inquiring minds want to know.


At 7:24 AM, Blogger Lily said...

Yes, Kool-aid in front of zombievision.


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